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剑桥少儿英语二级测试卷         ★★★
作者:佚名 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2005/8/27 15:35:43



一、Listen and draw a line.  (10%)









二、Listen and number.  (10%)









三、Listen and tick.  (10%)
















四、Listen and write.  (10%)

My         is Sally. I’m         years old. I often go to the park with my           . We often go there by          .We often play badminton in the park. It’s my            game. Many people are in the park, too. Some are          . Some are dancing. Some               are playing games. Some           men are riding         . We are very         .


一、Look and read write the correct word for five pictures.  (10%)







1. This animal is big, gray and has got a very long nose.                   

2. It’s not strong. but it can fly.                                       

3. It’s strong and it eats meat.                                        

4. Girls like playing with it.                                          

5. It lives on the farm and gives us milk.                                

二、Read and choose.  (24%)

(    )    1. Is your sister there ?

          A. Yes, he is here.    B. Yes, she is there.     C. Yes, she is here.

(    )    2. What are you doing ?

          A. You are watching TV.  B. I watch TV.      C. I’m watching TV.

(    )    3. What’s the weather like today ?

          A. It’s sun.       B. It’s sunny.       C. It’s rain.

(    )    4. It’s        outside. Please wear your T-shirt.

          A. cold        B. cool          C. hot

(    )    5. Whose tea is it ?

          A. It’s my book..    B. Yes, it’s my tea.     C. It’s mine.

(    )    6. What’s the bird’s name ?

          A. It’s a bird.    B. His name is Pet.    C. It’s his.

(    )    7. Does Peter go to school by bike every day ?

          A. Yes, he is.    B. Yes, he do.      C. Yes, he does.

(    )    8. Ben is hungry.

          A. He want to eat a cake.

       B. He can take the big table to the next room.

          C. He can’t get the book on the top of the bookcase.

三、Read and write.   (18%)

1. my ---- mine      your---- (      )   his ---- (      )   her---- (      )   

2. swim---- swims    read---- (      )   get---- (      )   have---- (      )  

3. read---- reading   sleep---- (      )  talk---- (      )   run---- (      )  

4. tall----short       thin---- (      )  clean---- (      )  hungry---- (      ) 

5. big---- bigger     cold---- (      )   small---- (      )  dirty---- (      )

6. big---- biggest     tall---- (      )    old---- (      )    fat---- (      )

四、Fill in the blanks.    (8%)


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