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sam fell off his bike
作者:大头娃娃  文章来源:本站原创  点击数  更新时间:2008-10-20 14:43:57  文章录入:大头娃娃  责任编辑:大头娃娃


1Have the students sing and say the chant.

2Play a Touchinggame. (eg. desk, book, head, arm, leg)

Step 2 Leading up

1I say you do.

利用句型“Put your book on…”提前呈现单词 fell off, happened

及句型“What happened? The book fell off(his head/arm)

2Have a student say and the others do. (Practise put your book

on What happened? Ohh,the book fell off(his head/arm)

3Learn carry, bump/ bumped; What happened? The book fell off…”. Have a student carry a ball on ,and the ball can bump someone. Then learn the ball bumped his/ her…”

4Learn thirsty, bought, watermelon”(手势)告诉学生Im thirsty. I want some water. Yes. I remember yesterday I bought a watermelon.

5Review the words with a game. (happen, fell off, carry, bump, thirsty, bought, watermelon, ride, went, hungry, yesterday, head)

6Today Daming told an accidente about Sam and him. What happened to them?. 通过学习Daming描述自己昨天发生的一次小事故;“如何描述事故的方法”你能学会多少? Show four pictures on TV.  Have Ss choose one picture to describe. Picture A: Sam and Daming went for a bike ride yesterday.

Picture B: Theyre hungry and thirsty. And they bought a watermelon. Picture C: Sam carried the watermelon on the bike. Learn carry, carried,

Picture D: Sam fell off his bike. The watermelon bumped Daming.

Talk about the four pictures in group.

7Have a chant: went  went  I went for a bike ride.

                    bought  bought  I bought a watermelon.

                    carried  carried   I carried it .

                    fell off   fell off    I fell off my bike

                    bumped   bumped   It bumped my head.

Step 3、自主学习展示交流

1     Have the Ss read the text by themselves.

2   听、指并找出所学单词及句型。

Step 4.点拨升华

Show the four pictures again.鼓励学生把图片联系起来讲述一个事故。

Step 5.小结归纳


Step 6 Homework

1listen and repeat the story 3-5 times by yourself.




这是昨天区教研室对学校理想课堂达标检查中,我选的课题的教案。四年级学生从第八模块开始学习接触过去式,本课内容对学生的理解掌握来说有些难度。现在我们刚刚学完第七模块第一单元。过去式的内容对学生来说这是第一次接触。所以本课从教学内容、教学活动的设计上,我侧重与本课重点句型的操练上。首先是Touching game热身,再让学生Listen and do. "Put your book on your..."活动中学生的book会掉下来,这时通过教师的不断说:What happened? The book fell off ...给学生听觉上的刺激,对这两个句子有初步的听觉认识。之后让一个学生下指令:"Put your book on your...",教师问:What happened? 运用循序渐进的方法引导学生操练:The book fell off ...;紧接着让一名学生carry a ball/ toy watermelon on...交给另一位同学,学习单词:carry, bump/ bumped, happen/ happened, fall off/ fell off,及句型: What happened? The ball fell off ... The ball bumped **'s arm/head/...要把句型整体呈现给学生,让他们对每个句子从形、音、义各方面都有认知。在这个活动中,小部分学生已经能够运用:The ball fell off …进行简单的描述了,并能用汉语说球砸到了某某,这对学习bumped也是水到渠成的。之后再学习单词:thirsty, bought, watermelon。这时引入课文的学习,把课文分解成四幅图,把知识更简单化、系统化,同时也降低了学生的学习、理解难度。最后一环节原本是设计为:通过让学生把四幅图联系成一个故事,做简单总结。但由于时间原因,只让学生自选一幅图,并指出句子领读,结束了本课教学。从课堂的整体来看,学生对句子的理解与掌握还是比较理想,基本完成了教学目标。大部分学生能在一定的语言情景下,运用所学语言进行简单描述(没有语法错误的一句,半句我就认可)。大部分学生能认读重点句型,但发音还不够准确,尤其是动词的过去式的发音:carried, bumped, happened...单词:thirsty的发音也应该作为难点来处理。学生掌握的快,但同时也忘的快,不能很牢固的掌握其发音。本课是作为一节达标课来讲的,但是从区下达的构建理想课堂五环节模式来说,我的这节课还不够成功,自己应该反思、学习的地方还有很多。


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