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句子类型及例句         ★★★
作者:椭圆 文章来源:本站原创 点击数: 更新时间:2005/11/26 10:46:34


Your car is white, mine is black.

They play football and are very good at it.

I tried to tell him how to operate it, but he just couldn’t understand.

Not only does he excel in his work, but also he is a good husband at home.

Neither is he a scientist, nor is he an artist.(既不,也不)

Mr. White has either flown to New York, or he might have left for Tokyo.(要么已经飞往纽约,要么已去了东京)


She is a nurse.

He is an actor.

We have friends all over the world.

He gives her an apple.

Teachers always encourage us to be diligent.(勤奋)

They never dance.

Tom is not a musician.

She does not speak English.

I will not give up easily.

I cannot afford to buy a computer.


She is a nurse.

He gave her an apple.

Tom is not a musician.

She has not much money.

You can’t make some thing out of nothing.(巧妇难为无米之炊)

We should face the reality.

I was reading a book this time yesterday.

I will leave for New York on May the 2nd next year.


How wonderful it is!

How I wish I were young!(要是我能返老还童多好啊!)

How beautiful a girl she is!

What an honest boy he is !

What exciting news you have told us!

My God!


Be careful!


Don’t you be late again.(以后不要再迟到了)

Go and get your notebook.

Please remind me of the meeting again in case I forget.(请你明天再提醒我开会这件事,以免我忘了)

Let’s have a party tonight, shall we?

Ask her why they need so much money.


Are you a scientist?

Have you got a bike?

May I use your camera?

Do you often play basketball?

You don’t like football, do you?  Yes, I do

Which will you choose, money or freedom?

How is everything?  Pretty good, thank you.

How long will you stay?

What is the weather like today?

What time is it by your watch?

What day is it today?

When will you arrive?

Where are you going to spend your holiday?

Who is that boy?


She speaks English as fluently as native speakers.

He is as busy as a bee all the year round.(他一年到头忙忙碌碌)

Among all the courses ,I like nothing better than to learn English.(最喜欢英语)

Of all the books, I  think this is the best one.

He is a professor more in name than in reality.(他是个名不副实的教授)

The dress is not more expensive than that one.

He is no more a musician than I am .(他和我都不是音乐家)

They can do no more than that.(他们只能做这些)

The number of the teachers is not less than one thousand.(至少有一千)

She is no less beautiful than her sister(她的美不亚于她的姐姐)

I like music, much more dancing.(我喜欢音乐,更喜欢跳舞)

He can hardly understand arithmetic ,still less algebra.(他连算术都不会,更别提代数了)

The new arrival was none other than the President.(新来者不是别人正是总统本人)

He is not so much a scholar as a writer.(与其说他是学者,不如说他是作家)

My father is a writer rather than a philosopher.(与其说我父亲是一个哲学家,不如说他是个作家)

She is more tiresome than talkative.(与其说她多嘴,不如说她太无聊)

The more books you read, the more learned you will be.(书读得越多,见识就越广。)

She would rather earn a living as a waitress than marry him.(她宁愿当女招待也不愿嫁给他)

The warrior would as soon die as surrender.(那名战士宁死不屈)

I prefer nature to disco.(我喜欢大自然胜任的士高)

Jane is dressed in brown while Mary is dressed in blue.(珍妮穿着棕色的衣服,而玛丽穿着蓝色的衣服)

Some people like meat, whereas others hate it..(一些人喜欢肉,另一些人却讨厌它)


This is a palace of a house.(这是一所宫殿般的房子)

Just as the soil is a part of the earth, so is the atmosphere.(正像土壤是地球的一部分一样,大气也是地球的一部分)

The book looked as though it had been out in the rain.(那本书看起来好像淋过雨似的)

What salt is to food, that humor is to conversation.(幽默对于会话如同盐对于食物一样)

TV is to people’s amusements what water is to people’s body.(电视对于人们的娱乐活动犹如水对人们的身体一样)

A home without love is no a home more than a body without a soul is a man.(正像没有灵魂的身体不成其为人一样,没有爱的家庭也不成其为家庭)

It is with a machine as with a child that must always be taken care of.(机器也和小孩一样,需要时常加以照顾)

You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument.(我不能放弃争论,就象你无法让我放弃财产一样)


May you both be happy(祝你俩幸福)

Behind the house lies a river.

After the war came the problem of employment.(战后出现了就业问题)

Beautiful were the flowers in the moonlight.(月光下的花的确美丽)

Hardly did I think it possible.(我几乎认为这是不可能的)

Only by this means can you improve your English.(只有这样你才能提高你的英语)

Many a day did we spend at the seaside.(我们在海边度过了许多日子)

I don’t have a pager ,nor does he.(我没有传呼机,他也没有)

Neither is he a scientist , nor is he an artist.(他既不是科学家,也不是艺术家)

Not only does he excel in his work ,but also he is a good husband at home.

Not until my father passed away did I understand him.(直到我父亲去世我才理解他)

Hardly had I reached there when the performance began.(我刚到那儿,表演就开始了)

No sooner had I reached there than the performance again.(同上)

Not until we read the newspaper did we know how many students joined the parade.(直到我们看了报纸才知道有多少学生参加了游行)

Child as she is ,she has to look after her sick mother.(尽管她还是个孩子,她不得不照料重病的妈妈)

Were I you ,I would think carefully before making a choice.(如果我是你的话,在作出抉择之前我会好好想想的)

10句型there be结构

There is no water left.

There is a computer in the room.

How many nationalities are there in China?

Where there is oppression ,there is resistance.(哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗)

I expect there to be more people attending the meeting.(我希望有更多的人出席会议)

There is said to be great losses in the flood last year.(据说去年水灾损失巨大)

There is scarcely a man but has his weak side.(人人都有弱点)


His opinion does influence the others in the meeting.(他的意见确实影响了会上的其他人)

It was my classmate who reminded me of it .(是我的同学提醒我这件事的)

It was with Tom that I played chess yesterday.

It was when we were having breakfast that she asked me about the pen.(是我们正在吃早点的时候,她问起有关钢笔的事)

It’s because of her help that I have finished the task easily.(因为她的帮助,我才轻松地完成了任务)


Such a charming girl!(如此迷人的女孩)

Pity they won’t help us.(真遗憾他们帮不上我们)

I work in a factory and my brother on a farm .

Where are you going ?   To the park.

I have proved myself an outstanding teacher.(我已证明我是一个出色的教师)

My friend never learned to swim, neither does he intend to now.(我朋友从未学过游泳,现在他也不想学)

You say he is excel lent, so he is ,and so are you.(你说他很优秀,他确实很优秀,你也一样)

My neighbor will go abroad ,but I don’t know when.

Although exhausted, she continued to type.(尽管她筋疲力尽,可还继续打字)

You’d better come back as soon as possible.


The speaker suggested that the meeting be postponed till the next week/(发言人建议会议推迟至下周举行)

I prefer that the plan should be fully discussed before being put into execution.(我希望在计划实施前加以充分的讨论)

His suggestion that they should wait till next week is reasonable.(他的建议要我们等到下周是合理的)

Our requirement is that there should be no delay any more in delivering goods.(我们提出不许再拖延发货)

If it should rain tomorrow, the rally would be postponed.(如果明天下雨,群众集会就会推迟)

Had it not been for the rain ,the road would have been safe.(若没有下雨,这条路是安全的)

But for the massive injection of public funds, the company would have gone bankrupt earlier.(要不是大量注入公积金,这家公司可能早就倒闭了)

Without his help, I wouldn’t have achieved so much.(没有他的帮助,我不会取得如此的成就)

Even if it had been a stormy day, I should have gone to see him in hospital.(即使那天下暴雨,我也会去医院看他的)

If only the photo weren’t missing.(但愿那张照片没丢失)

The cheat put on airs as if he were a professional engineer.(那个骗子装腔作势,摆出一副工程师的样子)

He handled the instrument with care for fear that it should be damaged.(他小心地摆弄那个仪器,生怕把它弄坏了)

It is high time that we implemented the reform.(是实施改革的时候了)

It is urged that we should take steps.(我们迫切需要采取措施了)

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